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By name:
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Cumming, Councillor Duncan Cumming
Ferretti, Councillor Paul Ferretti
Gallagher, Councillor Ian Gallagher
Gibbons, Councillor Jim Gibbons
Hendry, Councillor Billy Hendry
Low, Councillor Gordan Low
MacDonald, Councillor Stewart MacDonald
Marshall, Councillor Pamela Marshall
Mathieson, Councillor Alix Mathieson
McDiarmid, Councillor Colette McDiarmid
McKenzie, Councillor Test McKenzie
McNally, Councillor Callum McNally
Moir, Councillor Alan Moir
Moody, Councillor Vaughan Moody
Paterson, Councillor Willie Paterson
Polson, Councillor Aileen Polson
Polson, Councillor Andrew Polson
Reid, Councillor Alan Reid
Renwick, Provost Gillian Renwick
Rose, Councillor Ben Rose
Smith, Councillor Calum Smith
Williamson, Councillor Lynda Williamson
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Scottish National Party (SNP)
Scottish Labour Party
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party
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Ward 1 - Milngavie
Ward 2 - Bearsden North
Ward 3 - Bearsden South
Ward 4 - Bishopbriggs North & Campsie
Ward 5 - Bishopbriggs South
Ward 6 - Lenzie & Kirkintilloch South
Ward 7 - Kirkintilloch North & East & Twechar
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